Project management – is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and collaborating the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success at the specified time, however, professional project management is carried out not by the project owner himself, but by several project managers.
The reasons may be different, for example:
- when the enterprise is the owner of the project, the direction of activity has a different focus;
- when there is a factor in the progression of time, in the ratio of the amounts of project and deadlines (when there are more projects for the given time);
- when there is a need for the project to be densely and professionally tackled by specialists.
Our company has a direction for the implementation of the project management.
There are numerous conditional methods, works and conditional standards in the world that scientifically explain the scope of this activity, about which we placed information in the sections of this site for general understanding. Our task is not the scientific substantiation of the concept of project management, but the use of already accumulated knowledge in this direction. Each specific project naturally requires a separate approach and a peculiar methodology that differs from generally accepted methodologies, due to personal data and circumstances.
Introductory information about project management
It is generally accepted that the origin of project management as a field of activity dates back to the 30s of the last century, and disciplines and scientific opinions began to emerge in 50s in the West of the United States. This was apparently caused by the increase in the scale of projects and the requirements for their qualitative and quantitative indicators.
Project management is aimed at the implementation of the project from a certain beginning to a certain end, taking into account forecast planning of all stages, relative risk forecasting, planning of the correct allocation of resources, implementation of project plans, hiring of necessary specialists and other production resources. Project management includes not only project execution, but also a system-network approach to project execution.
Generalized data on the history of project management can be easily found on the international Internet network, but analysis shows that from the 30s of the last century, large US defense enterprises began to use system-network project management, and in the 50s large corporations began to apply project management methods. Further, according to the scientific work of Bogdanov V.V. in his book “Project Management, Corporate System - Step by Step,” states that, “by the end of the first decade of the new century, project management was interested in medium and small private companies. So the application of project management techniques is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity that managers realized. ”
The concept of "project" combines a variety of activities, characterized by a number of common features:
- focus on achieving certain unique goals and specific results;
- coordinated implementation of numerous interrelated activities;
Project management is applicable in various industries, as for example, construction, production, maintenance of industries, the introduction of startups and many other industries without exception.
Specialists of their time created scientific papers, as:
- “Project management: from planning to evaluating effectiveness” by Lapygin Yu.N. 2008 year.
- “Project Management, Corporate System - Step by Step” by V.V. Bogdanov year 2012.
- “Professional Project Management” by Kim Heldman. 2005 and others...
Process and sequence of project management
In different countries, project management procedures have been established in different methodologies, such as PMI, IPMA, PRINCE2 or other traditional methods related to industry or geography. Also, some countries have adopted standards for this type of industry.
But it should be noted that the methods are primarily those introductory ones that can be applied as a science. Which cannot completely mean that these techniques are legalized or applicable in a particular project.
Based on the foregoing, our company determined its procedure and sequence of implementation, project management, which, depending on the project and the personal circumstances of the project, may be changed by agreement of the parties. The specified procedure cannot be considered as a standard methodology, since strict adherence to any standard methods may adversely affect the consideration of personal circumstances of a particular project. Also, based on the foregoing, our company declares in advance a lack of adherence to any standard methods and is not responsible for belonging to standard methods.
Conditional procedure and sequence in project management:
• Study of the environment and circumstances of the project, the formulation of the status of a project;
• Definition of requirements for the project owner;
• Project planning, taking into account the exact and probable circumstances and tasks.
• Approval of the project implementation plan, as agreed;
• Management of the current, technical implementation of the project, in accordance with the project implementation plan.
• Managing stages;
• Re-planning of the project, based on real circumstances;
In the event that your choice of hiring a project management has settled on our candidacy, we will be happy to consider the issue of occupying your project.
Project options and project management can be numerous. We offer to start the initial negotiations to get acquainted with the essence of the project and the project management form. This will save your time for choosing a project manager.
You can obtain the necessary information about us from the materials on this site or from representatives of our bureau.