Dear experts of your field!
Each of the experts in their field has their own wide experience and practice. Each person, regardless of occupation and profession, has experience in a particular industry. According to his desire or duty to humanity he will share it with others respectively.
Usually a person is inherent to ask for a scientific justification for any statement. In life, not everything is reasoned by a certain science, but the experience gained in any situation can give the necessary explanation, in solving or understanding any issue. Subsequently, this experience will probably be argued by scientific sources. And perhaps it will not be argued by science, since scientific argumentation to a certain experience simply will not be in the scientific base. However, the experience will be confirmed by real practice, which can be transferred from the owner of the experience to another consumer.
This process of transferring experience is usually referred to as an “exchange of experience” or “master class”.
Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that science can be obtained from a variety of sources, in connection with the existence of generally accepted sources. However, experience may not always be publicly available and may be passed on to the interests of consumers to each other. That is, shares experience with each other.
Eventually, experience can also become a science at some specific time. But for this, a lot of conditions are requiered for this particular experience to be recognized, namely “recognized” by science. For this, science has its own conditions and requirements. However, neither of us always needs this golden scientific justification for each element. Because we need a solution to the problem today, scientific justification is not always necessary for certain current issues of life. In the example of how you would find yourself in a little-known city, leave the hotel room and contact the hotel employee for choosing a route. A hotel employee helped you with the choice of a route to your destination. Imagine when we will be asking a hotel employee for a scientific justification for choosing a route.
For the above, the practice of exchange of experience was invented by mankind. This exchange for today, based on the forms of their formulation, is called the "exchange of experience", "Master class", etc.
Dear readers or visitors of our page or website.
We do not intend to affirm the magnitude of the experience of anyone at all. We just want to share our experience, knowledge, and when and the scientific justifications in our comment. To be exact "To share". Why?
Why? - Because experience is not always written in scientific works, in addition, we believe that one of the main tasks of the representatives of mankind is to share knowledge and experience in order to increase knowledge and develop the person himself. It is precisely what is shared, and not harbor knowledge from others in selfish motives. In general, there is no sense in self-interest and concealment of knowledge. As we believe the general mission of mankind is to increase the general knowledge of mankind in general, as the common heritage of mankind. These are probably our high goals. Yes, good goals are better than not. Everything else is done with us to maintain and maintain, accumulate and transmit knowledge.
Now, regarding whether we have such an experience to pass on to others? As we mentioned earlier, experience and knowledge exist among all specialists in their field. So, for example, we can transfer a lot of experience to enterprises and various businessmen, no matter how strange it sounds, but it is.
Because, for a long time we have been providing support and business protection. It also means that we work with risks, production and commercial risks. This means that we have to study, research, analyze and predict these risks most of all. When preliminary, and when in real time.
For example: Conventionally, we assume that a lawyer works or worked with the financial and banking sector, in this case he has to observe numerous operations on lending to the private sector. What actually happens, he is involved in making credit decisions. And then, or in parallel, he works on bad loans. Work on problem loans forces us to analyze the reasons, the causes of unsuccessful business actions. During this process, he has to study some of the basics and subtleties of various industries - from accounting to trade, from construction to technology. For example, to study how it is possible to take into account or not to take into account income, or how much waste by standards is permissible when using materials in a certain production, or how much can weigh 1 sq.m. metal sheet, 10 mm thick., etc.
The above learning process occurs many, many times, in a variety of projects and activities. In this case, the lawyer studies many reasons, many unsuccessful projects in a certain short period of time. And when this lawyer is asked “What are successful projects?”, He will probably answer “I can do more to say why the projects may be unsuccessful. " Which answer option is interesting, in the future, evaluate for yourself.
Summarizing the foregoing, we can assume that enough experience has accumulated and keeping them without distribution, as mentioned above, would be impractical. In this connection, materials from experience generalizations are periodically prepared, summarized in topics, for exchange and dissemination to interested specialists in their field.
We are pleased to disseminate professional and useful experience and contribute to the enhancement of the knowledge of society.
Management of Juridical Effect