Services list |
Note |
Preparation of applications (complaints, inquiries) to the competent authorities |
Up to 10 per month |
Legal examination of contracts, provision of legal opinions, drafting and endorsement of contracts (including import, export, etc.) |
Up to 10 contracts / conclusions per month |
Consultations on economic and legal issues (oral):
a) not requiring the familiarization of the lawyer with the initial documents of the client |
b) requiring the familiarization of the lawyer with the initial documents of the client |
Up to 7 consultations per month |
Departure of a lawyer to a place to resolve legal issues locally |
Up to 3 trips per month |
Departure of a lawyer to the client’s office to participate or conduct negotiations, familiarize themselves with documents, and advise (including on legal issues of foreign economic activity) |
Up to 6 trips per month |
Registration and re-registration of state of emergency, LLC, JSC, joint venture, subsidiaries and other business entities |
Up to 2 registrations per month |
Providing written advice and opinions on legal issues in a manner convenient for the client: by fax, e-mail, by courier |
Up to 4 consultations per month |